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Duct tape dummy requirements

If you are ordering a digitigrade bodysuit or leg pants, you will be required to send me a DTD (duct tape dummy) of your body.


If you are ordering a plantigrade bodysuit or leg pants, a DTD is not required, but still highly recommended to ensure the best fit.


Here are some tutorials I recommend:

 - Video tutorial by Skyehigh Studios

 - Video tutorial by Mischief Makers

 - Written tutorial with visuals by Fun Fur All

 - Written tutorial with visuals by City Mutt Fursuits

You can use whichever method you wish as long as it meets the requirements listed below.


Some general tips for getting a duct tape dummy made:

  • Don't wear stretchy fabric. The best thing to wear is a painter's suit, but old (washed) clothes are also acceptable.

  • Take a shower beforehand to minimize odors.

  • Use the bathroom first.

  • If you have long hair, make sure to tie it up.

  • You'll need at least one other person to help tape you up, but the process will go much quicker if you have at least two. The more helpers, the better.

  • Stand with your legs apart and avoid slouching.

  • Make sure you can still breathe underneath the duct tape dummy. Avoid taping so tight that it cuts off circulation.

  • When your arms are being taped, use chairs or broomsticks to hold them up and avoid arm fatigue.

  • Helpers: Be very careful when cutting someone out of a duct tape dummy. If using normal scissors, place a finger underneath to keep it away from the skin.


Here are the requirements for your duct tape dummy:


  • Must be in a T-pose, with your arms extended straight out

  • Tape all the way down to your wrists and ankles, and up to the base of your neck. There should be no exposed clothing whatsoever except for the edges around the neck, wrists, and ankles.

    • If you are just getting leg pants instead of a full bodysuit, you don't have to tape all the way down your arms; you can stop halfway between your shoulder and elbow instead.​

  • Use a sharpie for marking areas so that it doesn't rub off. You'll need to mark the following:​​

    • ​Write your character's name on the back

    • Draw a line where you will be cut out of the DTD. Draw some X's along that line so I can line it up correctly when taping it back together.

    • In the back, mark where your belt line is so I know where the tail will go.

    • If you are getting a crotch zipper, draw a line where you want the zipper to go.​​​

  • Let the inside of the DTD air out for a day or two before shipping to me.


You don't have to tape it back together or stuff it before sending it to me; I will take care of that myself.


Your duct tape tape dummy will be rejected if:


  • The arms point too far downwards. While they don't have to be the most perfect 90 degree angle, if they're in an A pose or lower it will be rejected.

    • This does not apply if you are getting leg pants instead of a bodysuit.​

  • If there's any large spots (other than the edges) where there is no tape

  • If the DTD has an extremely unpleasant odor

If your duct tape dummy is rejected, you will have to make and send a new one.


When you are accepted for a commission, I will provide you with a due date to have your duct tape dummy done and sent by. This will be no shorter than a month out to give you sufficient time to get one made, and typically 2 to 3 weeks before I expect to get to your place on the slot list. If I do not receive your DTD by then, your slot may be moved later in the queue. 


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